1 January 2020 ABSTRACT ART valentinaferrareseart 0 AllABSTRACT ARTGROUP WORKDRIPPING EXPERIMENT - INDIVIDUAL WORKDRIPPING EXPERIMENT - INDIVIDUAL WORK using Jackson Pollock´s "indian dance" and dripping technicGROUP WORKPOLLOCK INDIAN DANCEABSTRACT INDIVIDUAL WORK IN THE ART THERAPY SESSIONAbstract art offers the ideal flexible starting point for art work together with children with autism or hyperactivity disorders.GROUP WORK DETAILGROUP WORK DETAILEXHIBITION DETAILWP_20180518_19_05_43_ProWP_20180516_21_34_53_ProWP_20180713_18_54_44_ProEXHIBITION VIEWABSTRACT SELF-PORTRAITWP_20180802_19_54_58_ProBODY PAINTINGDETAILS